NES / GB / SNES / N64 / GC / DS / Wii / 3DS / Wii U 2015 Soundtrack / Club Nintendo Prämie 3000 JewelCase
Famicom Tantei Club Part II / Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru / Super Mario World / F-Zero / Super Metroid / Fire Emblem – Genealogy of the Holy War / Super Mario 64 / Yoshi’s Story / Luigi’s Mansion / Super Mario Sunshine / Metroid Prime / Donkey Kong Jungle Beat / Daigasso! Band Brothers / Dr. Kawashima: Mehr Gehirn-Jogging / Kochkurs – Was wollen wir heute Kochen? / The Legend of Zelda – Spirit Tracks / The Legend of Zelda – Twilight Princess / Super Mario Galaxy / Wii Play: Motion / The Legend of Zelda – Skyward Sword / StarFox 64 3D / Hana Samurai: Art of the Sword / Mario Kart 7 / StreetPass Quest II / Animal Crossing: New Leaf / Tomodachi Life / The Legend of Zelda – Majora’s Mask 3D / Pikmin 3 / Donkey Kong Country – Tropical Freeze / NES Remix 2